Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Much Awaited Blog

Hey everyone, this is the official start of my blog. I am taking the next step in my business endevour involving my camera, myself, and something that I'm passionate about which is photography. I must say that its much more interesting than running a teller window at a bank. Don't get me wrong, working at a bank is a heck of a lot better than slaving away making lattes and cappuccinos which is what I did for four years before switching to banking. But I definitely don't see myself working at a bank forever.

For those of you that don't know me too well, here's a bit about my start. My love for photography was really born about ten years ago when I was living out in Texas and working for YWAM (Youth With A Mission). I had my first digital; a clunky little point and shoot that ate up AAA batteries faster than you would believe. But I would love to go home and edit my pics and look at my work. Never thought I'd do anything with it, I just enjoyed it. I putsed around with the hobby for a while as I traveled around to different countries, always having something to take pictures with. It wasn't until much more recently, after helping my dad with Emily and I's wedding pictures, that I thought to myself "I could make money doing this." I really didn't do anything about it for a while, but my dad came and asked me if I would like to pursue something with it. So ever since then I've borrowed his Nikon D70 and been shooting around, refining my skill with a camera. I don't have easy access to all the work I've done over the past nine months, but here's a few pictures so you can see what my work looks like. This is a shoot I did for my in-laws, mainly my wife's mom...

I'll post more as soon as I find time do so... Life is so busy with a baby along the way :)... I look forward to many many years of success in this business and many more blogs to come.